CANcer Life Coaching

Take Control of Your Cancer Journey
Reduce Cancer Stress & Overwhelm

Life Organizing Coaching & The CANcer Life Organizer
Your Essential Tools for Navigating Cancer Life with Confidence

Created by a 3x cancer survivor for cancer patients and caregivers.


I created the CANcer Life Organizer to empower me to keep going - and it can empower you too!
— Lisa Assetta, Founder

Overwhelmed by the Chaos of a Cancer Diagnosis?

Hearing the words "You have cancer" can be paralyzing. The initial shock, the creeping fear, and the suddent flood of information, appointments, and medical jargon causes chaos and can leave you feeling lost, overwhelmed, and utterly exhausted. In those crucial early days after diagnosis, your mind races with questions, especially “What do I do next?”

The Stress and Anxiety Are Real

Without a clear system to take control and manage your appointments, questions, and medical information, the stress can become unbearable. This disorganization can lead to missed appointments, unanswered questions, and increased anxiety, further complicating an already challenging journey.

CANcer Life Organizing_life organizing

Fulfill Your Need for Order and Peace

The CANcer Life Organizer meets the fundamental needs for organization during a chaotic time. It helps focus your energy on what truly matters—your health and recovery. With this tool, you can reduce stress, stay informed, and advocate for yourself effectively. You're not alone in this fight. You need the CANcer Life Organizer to be your trusted companion and provide order and greater peace.

CANcer Life Organizing free wearable band

Be inspired and inspire others! Go to contact, put BAND in the message box, and we’ll send you our “If I CAN do it, you CAN too” inspirational bands. FREE!

Meet the CANcer Life Organizer

Designed by three-time cancer survivor Lisa Assetta, the CANcer Life Organizer is a comprehensive system that helps you manage every aspect of your cancer journey and navigate cancer with confidence. From tracking appointments to organizing questions for your medical team, this essential tool is your lifeline to reclaiming control.

Who Needs the CANcer Life Organizer? 

The CANcer Life Organizer is a versatile tool to support individuals at every stage of the cancer journey.

  • Newly diagnosed: navigate initial overwhelm and organize the flood of information.

  • Active treatment: track complex schedules, organize questions for your healthcare team.

  • Survivors: manage follow-up care, post-treatment appointments, set wellness goals.

  • Caregivers: coordinate care and manage responsibilities.

No matter where you are in your cancer experience, the CANcer Life Organizer provides support and structure when you need it most.

Inside the CANcer Life Organizer

The CANcer Life Organizer is a comprehensive system addressing every aspect of your cancer journey. Highlights:

  • Monthly mini-planner: to track appointments

  • Notebook/journal: to record feelings, symptoms, questions

  • Sections with pre-labeled tabs: to organize priorities and medical paperwork

  • Business card pages: for provider and appointment cards

  • File folders, accessory pocket with supplies, inspirational wearable band, plus more… including online Facebook VIP support!

Each component works together, creating a powerful system that brings order to chaos. This isn't just about staying organized—it's about gaining control, reducing stress, and focusing on what truly matters: your health and recovery.

I just have to say I love the binder! Lisa came over and showed me how to put everything in it and I couldn’t be happier. It’s so easy to find the paperwork and medication information I need when I need it. Everything is right there. Thank you, Lisa!
— Maria, Cancer Survivor
CANcer Life Organizing virtual life organizing sessions for cancer patients and caregivers

CANcer Life Organizing Coaching

Our virtual sessions support your peace of mind wherever you find yourself on the journey. We help you transform chaos into order. Since everyone has unique and changing needs, we customize our approach. When you book a session, you’ll receive a life organizing assessment to identify your specific organizing challenges.

Choose from 30 and 60-minute personalized organizing coaching sessions to support you.

Remember, you CAN do it and we’re here to help!